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Travel with a Wildlife Veterinarian
Peter Brothers Safaris
This is vital CONSERVATION WORK in which you too can make an important contribution.
Sign up for an exciting wildlife experience with Peter.

Travelling with Peter Brothers on one of his Vet Safaris is about as exciting as it can get. His inclusive style and informative descriptions will have you enthralled from the moment the safari begins until it sadly concludes.

Above: Peter striding toward the helicopter with the Research Officer
Right: Airborne in readiness to administer the tranquiliser to the patient
The 4.5-tonne bull elephant is starting to succumb to the effects of the drugs. Peter closely monitors the patient's condition as he is guided into an area where the conservation work can be carried out safely.
Left: Peter operates from his mobile Veterinary Clinic while Sue enjoys the hands-on experience under the close tutelage of this experienced wild-life vet.
Below: Peter (background) is monitoring the team of volunteers, manhandling the Cape African Buffalo bull into an upright position to aid its breathing.
Left: It's a busy workplace with all hands on deck while Peter checks with United States visiting Vet Karen to check all tasks are complete.
Rhino conservation activities - with Brian being closely instructed by Peter on the details of ear-notching. This is vital conservation work assists the Game Reserve Management to provide the best security against poaching of these beautiful animals.

More Conservation Activities

Above: Herd identification and research monitoring across the entire ecosystem

Learn about flora and fauna
endemic to
spectacularly scenic biomes.
Take a well-earned break
from your experience.
Visit iconic locations close
to your volunteer area.

Monitor the individual health of an elephant
singled out from the herd.
Assist a wildlife vet
as medical procedures and
data collection
are conducted on a variety of immobilised animals.

Learn the life-saving skill of tracking from a qualified Wildlife Vet.
Share the crisp clear air of an early morning sunrise.

Monitor animal populations to protect them against the potential ravages of poaching.
Assist in ear-notching or
fitting transmission collars to an individual animal so its movements can be monitored.
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